Premier Beach Plum
Prunus maritima 'Premier'
Grow plums on the beach! Premier beach plum is a grafted American cultivar that produces tasty red plums when pollinized by another beach plum, such as Jersey. Tolerant of salty spray, it prefers sandy soil and offers us a delicious plum that tastes of strawberry, plum, and apricot. Beach plums bloom in early spring and ripen in August, though due to the variable nature of beach soils height and crop density may vary. Not recommended for the Pacific Northwest due to our short and cooler summers, these plums do fantastically well in the Northeastern climate of the United States.
USDA Zone: 4-9
Grow Height: 12'
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: August
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer
Rootstock: St. Julian A
Read our Plum Growing Guide