Bushel and Berry® Midnight Cascade® Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Midnight Cascade'
Midnight Cascade® by Bushel and Berry® is one of the first blueberries of it's kind - designed for hanging baskets! This 2021 introduction blueberry gets only 18-24 in. tall, with a similar spread and decurrant drooping form. Midnight Cascade® Blueberry is ideal for hanging baskets and containers giving urban growers another fantastic way to fit even more berries into their landscape. These berries are packed with antioxidants and aromatic, vanilla flavors. The foliage has hints of red that will darken in the fall weather giving Midnight Cascade® much sought after seasonal interest in addition to it's delicious fruit!
Considered low chill needing only 450 chill hours to reliably bloom and produce fruit. Use an acidic potting mix and fertilize monthly for great production.
Bushel and Berry® is a unique collection of compact, ornamental and self-pollinating berry plants for the home garden.
USDA Zone: 5-9
Mature Height: 1-2' (Small)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Midseason/August
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
Read our Blueberry Growing Guide