Cascade European Pear
Pyrus communis 'Cascade'
Now you can enjoy a "cascade" of gorgeous red pears for the holidays! Cascade is a stunning, red-skinned pear that is a cross between Max Red Bartlett and Comice, bred by Prof. Frank Charles Reimer at the Oregon State U. Medford station around 1940. This dessert quality pear is sweet, with a rich aromatic flavor, excellent texture, and matures in late September approximately 10 days before Comice. It is an excellent keeping pear with firm but smooth flesh, and can store for up to 6 months in optimal conditions.
Prof. Frank Charles Reimer was the first superintendent of the southern branch research and extension station in Oregon, from 1911-1947. In the earliest years of his tenure fireblight disease was beginning to have a strong impact on western pear orchards, and had already reached epidemic levels in other locations in the country. Reimer began testing any species or hybrids of pear that were available to him for resistance, including trees grown from pounds of seeds brought back from China, some of which he collected himself. His work laid the foundation for the research that followed and eventually led to the release of fireblight-resistant rootstock and pear varieties.
While Cascade did not acquire the much-sought fireblight resistance, in most other respects it proved to be superior to both of its parents and worthy of release. It blooms early and is pollinized by early and midseason-blooming pears.
USDA Zone: 5-9
Mature Height: 15' (Semi Dwarf)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: September - October
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer that is Early or Midseason Bloomer
Semi-Dwarf Rootstock: OHxF87
Read our Pear Growing Guide