Gaultheria shallon
Salal was used widely by all of the Northwestern coastal Native Peoples as a staple in their diet. It was eaten both dried in cakes and fresh from the bush. Fully ripe salal berries from robust healthy bushes are flavorful and juicy. If planted in th. . . SHOW MORE
Gaultheria shallon
Salal was used widely by all of the Northwestern coastal Native Peoples as a staple in their diet. It was eaten both dried in cakes and fresh from the bush. Fully ripe salal berries from robust healthy bushes are flavorful and juicy. If planted in the sun, the beautiful, upright, leathery leaved bush will grow only about 2 feet tall. In the shade it can reach 5-10 feet.
Berries are the size of blueberries and are blue-black in color. They dry easily and make wonderful and unique raisins! Space plants 2 feet apart in full sun, 4 feet in shade. USDA Zones 6-9.