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Almaden Duke Cherry

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$64.99 - $64.99
Current price $64.99

Prunus x 'Almaden Duke'

A modern sweet/tart cherry in the heritage Duke style, it was provided to Raintree by Andy Mariani and discovered in the Almaden Valley near San Jose CA. Believed to be a sweeter sport of Mazzard with a delightful complex flavor and aroma. Later to ripen (for a pie cherry) and worth the wait!

Low chill and partially self fertile. The tree can be maintained at 12' tall on dwarfing Gisela 5 rootstock, which produces a tree 50% of standard size and induces heavy early fruit production. Gisela 5 is more forgiving of shallow soils and a better choice than the even more dwarfing Gisela 3 for people with enough room for this somewhat larger tree. Can benefit from some afternoon shade in hotter summer zones. For better yields plant with Montmorency or any other late-blooming pie cherry. Susceptible to bacterial canker.

Hardy to USDA Zone: 4

Mature Size: 12' (Dwarf)

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: July

Pollination: Partially Self Fertile

Rootstock: Gisela 5

Read our Cherry Growing Guide

Size: Dwarf (4'-5')


Ask a Question
  • This cherry is advertised as self fertile etc. and so living in Alaska zone 4 I would like to give it a shot. Now I’m reading that it needs a pollinator? If so I’ll cancel my order because another zone 4 pollinator is probably not available. Thanks

    Almaden Duke is PARTIALLY self-fertile. You will get some cherries from it, but you would get more with cross pollination. Almaden Duke is an P. avium x P. cerasus hybrid, which makes it very early blooming. Fortunately that means that it CAN cross pollinate with Montmorency in zone 4. I hope the clears things up!

  • I have had a Almanden Duke Cherry for 5 years and do not get fruit. My three varieties of tart cherries seem not to pollinate this tree, it is the first to bloom in early April. What would be a good pollinator for the Almanden Duke?

    Aldmanden Duke requires another early bloomer for cross pollination. Something like Minnie Royal or Royal Lee will do the trick.

  • Does it need a pollination partner because it is partially self fertile. If yes which one?

    Royal Lee or Minnie Lee are the best options for this cherry.

  • What color are the blooms?


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Beautiful Almaden Duke

Received a beautiful and balanced Almaden Duke. Planted it next to Royal Lee in the suburbs of Los Angeles.
Hoping to to get some fruit next year, already have a few flowers this year.

Joshua B.
Doing well, fruiting precociously

Planted a little Almaden Duke in my front yard last year, and it s doing well despite being munched on a bit by a deer in late summer. This year it bloomed and we got four cherries with a very nice sweet and tart flavor in late June. Cherries were fairly small and had large pits, though that may change as it matures. Overall the tree seems healthy and reasonably self-fertile. Not an especially fast grower, probably because of the rootstock, but foliage has filled in quite nicely and the fruit is delicious.


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