Almaden Duke Cherry
Prunus x 'Almaden Duke'
A modern sweet/tart cherry in the heritage Duke style, it was provided to Raintree by Andy Mariani and discovered in the Almaden Valley near San Jose CA. Believed to be a sweeter sport of Mazzard with a delightful complex flavor and aroma. Later to ripen (for a pie cherry) and worth the wait!
Low chill and partially self fertile. The tree can be maintained at 12' tall on dwarfing Gisela 5 rootstock, which produces a tree 50% of standard size and induces heavy early fruit production. Gisela 5 is more forgiving of shallow soils and a better choice than the even more dwarfing Gisela 3 for people with enough room for this somewhat larger tree. Can benefit from some afternoon shade in hotter summer zones. For better yields plant with Montmorency or any other late-blooming pie cherry. Susceptible to bacterial canker.
Hardy to USDA Zone: 4
Mature Size: 12' (Dwarf)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: July
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
Rootstock: Gisela 5
Read our Cherry Growing Guide