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Fall shipping will begin the week of 9/23. Place an order of ONLY POTTED plants to get a fall shipment.
Fall shipping will begin the week of 9/23. Place an order of ONLY POTTED plants to get a fall shipment.

Blushing Delight™ Urban™ Columnar Apple

Original price $49.99 - Original price $49.99
Original price
$49.99 - $49.99
Current price $49.99

Malus domestica 'Blushing Delight'

Blushing Delight™ has sweet flavor and a pretty red blush over a green background. It ripens mid-September.

Urban Apple® is a NEW category of columnar trees that produce their fruit on spurs along the main stem. Each combines disease resistance, flavor and ease of growing in small spaces. Each has a narrow upright habit, ideally suited to grow in a container on a patio or as a small tree in the ground. Trees grow about 8'-10' tall. Like other apples, you need two different cultivars for pollination. Most Urban Apple® varieties bloom mid season and all are a good pollinizer for the others.

They are each highly disease resistant selections from Dr. Jaroslav Tupy of the Czech Republic. Chill hours 800 to 1200. 

USDA Zone: 4-9

Mature Height: 8' - 10' (Dwarf)

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: Early Midseason

Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer

Semi-Dwarf Rootstock: MM106

Read our Apple Growing Guide

Size: Semi-Dwarf (2'-3')


Ask a Question
  • Will this variety (or any columnar variety) cross-pollinate with a Pink Lady / Cripps Pink?

    Yes, all of the columnar apples EXCEPT Scarlet Sentinal will cross pollinate with Pink Lady.

  • After just watching Laura's video about the urban columnar apple Tasty Red, I have a question regarding the USDA zone. In her video she states this tree is for zone 5. However, I purchased three varieties of the urban columnar series just this spring based on Raintree's description that the Tasty Red, Blushing Delight & Golden Treat are zone 4-9. I live in zone 4 & based my purchase on this description. So, are the trees for zone 4 or not? Have I wasted my money on my tree purchases for Helena, MT?

    Columnar apples are for zone 4b-5a, so different companies will list them as zone 4 or zone 5. Your USDA Zone in Helena Montata is perfect. If you have concerns a little extra mulch will do wonders to protect the roots of your trees over winter.

  • How do you prune columnar apples?

    Typically you don't have to. Aside from removing diseased wood or dieback, they are pretty maintenance free apples.

  • What is their resistance to scab, mildew and fireblight?

    Extremely resistant. The only common apple disease they are susceptible to is cedar-apple rust.

  • Are these resistant to cedar apple rust?

    Yes, as they are derived from McIntosh they have a natural rust resistance.

  • Can I plant this in a large pot? I have terrible soil where I live so I don’t want to put it in the ground.I was thinking of getting 2 different ones and putting each in their own big pot on opposite ends of the deck.

    Yes! They grow great in half wine barrels!

  • Do these varieties require Staking?

    No they don't. Under normal circumstances they grow upright without issue, but your soil quality and how they are planted is a factor.

  • how close together can i plant columnar apples?

    3 foot centers is the closest you can get without needing to prune them.

  • Will other urban columnar apple varieties be able to pollinate this one? Or, do the urban columnar varieties pollinate each other?

    They are all compatible for cross pollination yes

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Marketa J.
Blushing delight apple

We have more than 10 fruit trees from Raintree nursery and are happy with their selection and quality. Recently we lost one of our apple trees due to rodent damage. We ordered Blushing delight columnar apple. It arrived in great condition, it is starting to sprout, looks healthy and has great shape. So far, it’s looking very promising.


The tree came with two others well packaged & in good condition. The planting instructions were very clear. I can wait to establish the roots!

Great little tree

We planted this tree 3 years ago and it produced lots of apples this year.

Jim I.
Great tree

Tree arrived well packaged and a little over a week or two it's already leafing and flowering

Mark K.
Great urban fruit tree

Received (like all my plants) in great condition and shortly after getting them in the ground they started leafing out