I ordered Chicken of the Woods dowels and Wine Cap spawn. I was very disappointed to see that there were no instructions in the package, not even for temporary storage. I used the website's chat help, but the representative was only able to refer me back to the product listing and a generalized "mushroom growing guide." He had no product specific knowledge.
I ended up turning to YouTube and found a couple of very helpful channels from businesses that mainly sell mushroom growing supplies and spawn. As it turns out, Chicken of the Woods is a rather challenging mushroom to cultivate. Sterilizing the logs is recommended, which requires some additional equipment. Once my additional supplies arrive, I will give this a go. I won't know if I am successful until fall or possibly next spring (a year away). However, knowing what I know now, I would have purchased a different variety of mushroom or purchased a grain or sawdust spawn of this variety.
I purchased from Raintree in an attempt to purchase (regionally) local, but I will not buy any mushroom spawn from them again. I will purchase from one of the 2 businesses I found sharing their wealth of knowledge and passion for mushrooms.