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Eve Pomegranate

Original price $29.99 - Original price $29.99
Original price
$29.99 - $29.99
Current price $29.99
SKU D483

Punica granatum 'Eve'

Another great variety developed by the University of California. Large size fruit, bright red exterior, deep red arils. The flavor is excellent, and can be described as cherry slurpy-like. Fruit ripens October-November. Chill requirements of 150 hours, self-fertile.

Pomegranate can be grown as a small tree or in a bush form. Their bright foliage and beautiful orange flowers make them a beautiful landscape plant. Pomegranates ripen well in the South and in California. They grow well in the Pacific Northwest but don’t get the intense summer heat they need to ripen. Growing them as a multi-stemmed bush in a pot and bringing them inside to finish ripening in the fall can extend their productive range.

Hardy to USDA Zone: 7

Grow Height: 10'

Ripening Time: Late Fall

Sun: Full Sun

Pollination: Self-Fertile

Size: 10" Sleeve


Ask a Question
  • When should I plant this Eve Pomegranate? Spring or fall in Maryland?

    Spring is best

  • What’s USA zone ?

    Hardy to USDA Zone 7

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Thriving (so far!)

I'm zone 7, with sometimes overly harsh winters, so I know this is a huge gamble - but wanted to give it a try - and Poms should love our summer here (hot and dry). The plant arrived looking amazing - since planting we've had some extremely hot temperatures, and the plant is a tad stressed due to this shock, but it is doing really well.

Marlyn D.

They arrived healthy so very glad,!now I transferred in a big pot hope it will survive in zone 7 😊looking forward for fruits 😊