Desert King Fig
Ficus carica 'Desert King'
Top rated to reliably ripen fruit in the Pacific Northwest. A large fig with medium green skin and pink flesh. It is the most consistent cropper in our PNW region. A breba-style fig, it will set 2 crops per year but only ripens the first (breba) crop in our short and cool summer region. If you grow it in a region with long, hot summers, it will ripen both the bountiful first (breba) crop in July and the second smaller (main) crop in November.
Breba crop is produced on the previous season's wood, so don't prune more than half of that growth when pruning. Can grow to 20' if left unpruned, but is easily kept at 6'-8' with consistent pruning to keep the fruit within reach.
This variety is grown from tissue culture and has been heat-treated to significantly reduce the presence of Fig Mosaic Virus.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 7
Mature Height: 15'- 20'
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Breba mid-late Summer, Main mid-Fall only in Hot Climates
Pollination: Self-Fertile
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