Dolgo Crabapple
Malus domestica 'Dolgo'
One of the very best all-purpose crab apples! Dolgo bears large 1-inch, tart, crimson red fruits you can eat raw or make into a ruby-red apple jelly. Dolgo, which means "long" in Russian, describes the shape of the fruit, which is so brightly colored and abundant it looks like a Christmas tree from afar! Dolgo crab apples are scab and mildew resistant, featuring a cascade of white flowers in the orchard every spring. Fresh eaten, Dolgo tastes like a candied cranberry and adds a bitter-sharp flavor to ciders.
The fruit is one of the first to ripen in the apple harvesting season. Great for low chill areas - only needs 400 chill hours to bloom profusely.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 3
Mature Height: 12' (Dwarf)
Sun: Full Sun
Bloom Time: Early Midseason, Bloom Group 2
Ripening Time: Early - September in PNW
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer
Dwarf Rootstock: EMLA 26
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