Dumbarton Oaks Hardy Kiwi
Actinidia arguta 'Dumbarton Oaks'
What makes this sweet, heavy-producing, hardy kiwi unique? It ripens in September, a full month before Annanasnaja! The fruit is of medium size and somewhat ribbed, like a stout little green pumpkin. A charming selection from the elegant Dumbarton Oaks Estate in Washington D.C.'s Georgetown neighborhood.
These fast-growing, beautiful vines produce clusters of oblong kiwi fruits the size of large grapes. Lacking the rough "fuzzy" kiwi skin, these smooth fruits can be eaten whole, like bunches of kiwi-flavored seedless grapes. Originally brought to this country as an ornamental, the green fruit is similar to the fuzzy kiwi in flavor, though sweeter and easier to eat. The smooth-textured vines are very vigorous and need a strong support. Training a fruiting female vine up the legs or railings of a deck, or along an unattractive chain link fence, can create a great tropical effect and be uniquely easy to harvest! Have a hardy arguta or an early-blooming fuzzy deliciosa male for pollination, and allow 3-5 years to begin flowering and fruiting.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 5
Mature Size: Up to 40' Long
Sun: Full Sun to Afternoon Shade in hot climates
Ripening Time: Late Summer/Early Fall
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer - one Male for 6-8 Females
Read our Kiwi Growing Guide