Eastern Prince ™ Magnolia Vine
Schizandra chinensis 'Eastern Prince'
This lovely shrubby fruiting vine comes to us from the mountains of China and the Russian far east. It does well in moist, shady places where few fruit plants thrive but it will also grow in full sun in mild summer areas, or morning sun and afternoon shade in hotter locations. It produces large clusters of round red fruit, and the leaves have a lemon scent. The fruit is acidic and very aromatic, and it is dried and used in medicinal teas. Or, sweetened, the fruits are used to make a juice or preserves that is said to be stimulating and energy restoring.
Grow on a trellis, arbor or similar structure. The fragrant, white flowers are self-fertile and fruits should begin to appear in about three years. Cold hardy to USDA Zones 4.