Eclair Strawberry
Fragaria ananassa 'Eclair'
Éclair is a great new gourmet strawberry - all about the flavor! This berry is fragrant, sweet, juicy, and even features hints of raspberry and citrus. The berry-of-choice for discriminating connoisseurs, this unique taste is quickly becoming a favorite of those who have tried it! Because of the diverse parentage of this new variety, there is confusion about its production window.
Shipped as 25 bareroot crowns. Short-day everbearer that starts early and produces longer than any June-bearers, but not quite as long as most everbearers.
Hardy to USDA Zone: 4
Mature Height: 6" (Groundcover)
Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade
Ripening Time: June - October
Pollination: Self Fertile
Read our Strawberry Growing Guide