Emerald Blueberry
Vaccinium x 'Emerald'
Emerald is an excellent choice for warmer regions, because the newer Southern Highbush varieties, developed primarily by University of Florida, only require 200+ chilling hours to produce solid yields of very large blueberries. A newcomer, released in 1999, this variety provides long, tight clusters of berries along the uprights. The berries do not ripen uniformly, which gives you an extended harvest season!
Attractive evergreen bushes need little pruning to maintain good form and large size. Berries with excellent flavor ripen early (May or June) in the south and California, midseason (mid-July to August) in the Northwest. Yields increase greatly with pollinizers like O'Neal, Star
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 8
Mature Height: 5'-6'x 4'-5'(Large)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Early Midseason/July - August
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile - Benefits from another Southern Highbush variety
Read our Blueberry Growing Guide