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Buy 1 Bareroot Tree, Get 2nd Bareroot Tree 30% off by using code 30%OFF at checkout.
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Flavor Punch Pluerry

Original price $59.99 - Original price $59.99
Original price
$59.99 - $59.99
Current price $59.99
SKU C378

Prunus x 'Flavor Punch'

Newest addition to the Pluerry® collection, Flavor Punch Pluerry™ really lives up to its name, with a punch of flavor that will take you by surprise! Fruit is small to medium in size, with beautiful orange-red skin and juicy, amber-colored flesh.

Late Season harvest, late August through September in Central California, so will not fully ripen for short summer growers. Pollinized by many Japanese plums, as well as Sweet Treat pluerry. Chill Hours 300-500.

USDA Zone: 5-9

Mature Height:  12' 

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: September

Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer

Rootstock: Citation

Read our Plum Growing Guide

Size Options: Semi-Dwarf (4'-5')


Ask a Question
  • Is Toka plum a suitable pollinizer?

    Yes, it should work just fine

  • Can this be pollinated by the Candy Heart Pluerry?

    Yes, in most environments they will cross pollinate. If you have trouble however you can always use Santa Rosa as a universal pollinator for pluots and pluerries.

  • Would one need another Pluerry Variety for best pollination?

    Yes, but specific ones. In this case Emerald Beaut or Flavor King (some interspecific hybrids are too closely related for cross pollination). Other more open options include a number of Asian plums, the best of which is Santa Rose, but Beauty and Hollywood can work as well.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Christopher D.

Tree arrived very well packed and looked ready for planting . Scratch test shows all is green . Planted in ground and will update when first leave breaks . I paid a bit more than usual but so far it’s been quality . Will update later 😊