Harrow Delight European Pear
Pyrus communis 'Harrow Delight'
This one is really a "delight" to grow! A heavy setting, medium-size pear with very good flavor and smooth texture, from Ontario, Canada. One of the most precocious Euro pears, regularly starting to bloom and set fruit the year after planting!
Resistant to fireblight, cedar trellis rust AND scab! Late bloom category 3. Fruit ripens in mid season, September here in the PNW. A proven winner at the Mt. Vernon station.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 4
Mature Height: 15'
Chill Hours Needed: Average/800
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: September
Pollination: Late, Bloom Group 3 - Needs a Pollinizer from Group 2 or 3
Semi-Dwarf Rootstock: OHxF87
Read our Pear Growing Guide