Hartland Cherry
Prunus avium 'Heartland'
A large, heavy-bearing, attractive dark red cherry that is rated among the most flavorful! Hartland is resistant to cracking and rot. Its fruit ripens and blooms mid season. From NY Experiment Station, it is very winter hardy and a proven winner in most of the nation. It needs a pollinizer.
Gisela 5 is a dwarfing rootstock, 50% of standard size, that induces heavy early fruit production. Trees can be maintained at 10 to 12 feet tall. Gisela 5 is more forgiving of shallow soils and a better choice than the even more dwarfing Gisela 3 for people with enough room for this somewhat larger tree. Chill hours unconfirmed; most cherries need 700+ to reliably bloom and set fruit.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 4
Mature Height: 12' (Dwarf)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: July
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer
Rootstock: Gisela 5
Read our Cherry Growing Guide