Koralle Lingonberry (6 Plant Bundle)
Vaccinium vitis-idaea 'Koralle'
Save 15% on this bundle of 6 Lingonberry plants!
A popular, vigorous, bushy plant with an upright growth habit (12" to 15" tall) that makes it easy to harvest. It produces pea-sized fruit along the upper half of the stem and even fruits the first year! Very high in antioxidants. Its leaves are medium green, berries are bright red, and it is quicker to spread by rhizomes than other selections. This German version yields moderately in both in summer and fall, which makes for a great yearly harvest!
Scandinavians love these fantastic edible evergreen ground covers that produce delicious cranberry-like berries great for sauces, jellies and cooking. They are attractive and easy-to-grow in your garden with bright red fruits the size of a small blueberry. These beautiful and productive groundcover plants are under-utilized and a must for American gardeners in cooler regions. They are also great grown in a pot when the sunny side is protected. One Erntesegen Lingonberry is provide to support pollination and increase production. Hardy to USDA Zone 4.
Click Here to read our Lingonberry Growing Guide
Includes: 5x Koralle Lingonberry in 4" Pot and 1 Erntesegen Lingonberry in 4" Pot (for pollination)