Limon Quince
Cydonia oblonga 'Limon'
A lemon-shaped cultivar with lemon fragrance, prized in the markets of Turkey. Also from the US Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, OR. The medium-size, tart fruit ripens early for a quince, in late September and keeps until December. Resistant to Quince Leaf Spot.
At the turn of the 20th century almost every rural family had a fruiting quince tree they relied on for medicine, pectin, and fragrant, long-lasting fruits. The varieties we offer have delightful pineapple-like flavors. They are prized for cooking, jelly making, and adding to apple cider. Quince trees are self fertile and showy, with big white blossoms in late spring and unusual, fuzzy yellow fruits in fall..
USDA Zone: 5 and up
Mature Height: 11'
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Early Fall
Pollination: Self-Fertile
Rootstock: Provence Quince BA29C