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Moonglow Pear

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Original price $64.99 - Original price $64.99
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$64.99 - $64.99
Current price $64.99
SKU B161

Pyrus communis 'Moonglow'

It's a wonderful night for a Moonglow pear! Known for it's early ripening, satin smooth texture, and generous size, these pears are perfect eating fresh on an August night!

Moonglow pears are fragrant, with a strong juicy flavor that rivals the best summer pears. Introduced in 1960, Moonglow pears are early to mature and ripen, about two weeks after Bartlett. Their texture is smooth with few grit cells.

Moonglow pears are disease resistant, with a strong resistance to fireblight, making Moonglow a favorite of farmer's market fruit stands and home growers. Blooms early-midseason, bloom category 2.

Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 5

Mature Height:  15' (Semi Dwarf)

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: Summer

Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer

Semi-Dwarf Rootstock: OHxF87

Read our Pear Growing Guide

Size: Semi-Dwarf (4'-5')


Ask a Question
  • Will Moonglow and Bartlett be a good pair for pollination?

    Yes, Bartlett and Moonglow should cross pollinate fine.

  • Will Moonglow and Honeysweet be a good pair for pollination? Also, how well do they store?

    Moonglow is a late bloomer, and fortunately Honeysweet is a mid season bloomer and will do just fine. As a rule any mid-season blooming pear can be considered a sort of "universal pollinizer" for other pears regardless of bloom time. Check out the Pear Growing Guide for a bloom period list to see which pears are in the mid season. Moonglow is a "summer pear" and will hold reasonably well in cold storage, but not nearly as well as "winter pears".

  • Will Moonglow do well in The Pudget sound area?

    Yes. It is easy to grow and disease resistant.

  • What pollinator pear is best to pollinate comice pear?

    Anything in the mid or late blooming window EXCEPT Onward (as it is too closely related to Comice).

  • Will Seckel European Pear and Moonglow Pear pollinate each other

    Not reliably. Moonglow is a bloom group 1 (early) while Seckel is a group 3 (late)

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