Orus 8 Goose/Currant
Ribes nidigrolaria 'Orus 8'
BLACK CURRANT-GOOSEBERRY HYBRIDS ARE PROHIBITED TO DE, ME, NC, NJ, WV, VA, MI, MA, OH& RI. Rust resistant varieties may be shipped to OH & MI(With Permit)
Orus 8 is a new jostaberry (pronounced yust-a-berry) variety from the Germplasm Repository for the genus Ribes at Corvallis, OR. Jostaberry, a complex cross of a black currant and gooseberry species, is a durable, carefree grower in many regions. The seedless fruit is oval, medium size with a shiny, black color and a much improved flavor compared to the original jostaberry. It can be eaten fresh, dried, or used to make jelly or wine.
The bush is very mildew and aphid resistant. It is an upright grower (like currant) with leaves like a gooseberry, and many thorns. Can grow in sun or shade, but prefers afternoon shade in hot summer areas. Hardy too - USDA Zones 3-8
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