Patriot blueberry
Vaccinium x 'Patriot'
If you require a cold hardy variety that bears consistent crops of large fruit early in the season, you will want this University of Maine selection. The dark blue berries have a richly sweet, juicy and satisfying flavor. Its showy white spring blossoms, dark green summer foliage and fiery orange fall colors make it a winner in the northern landscape.
Shorter stature indicates its Northern lowbush + highbush heritage. Requires 800-1000 chill hours to reliably flower and set fruit. Tolerating wetter and heavier soils than many plants, Patriot is dependable, widely adapted, upright, and ready to stand and deliver great tasting berries!
USDA Zone: 3-8
Mature Height: 4' (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Early - July
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
Read our Blueberry Growing Guide