Phoenix Tears Goji Berry
Lycium barbarum 'Phoenix Tears'
Also known as Wolfberry Vine, these sweet and nutritious berries are eaten fresh, juiced or dried like raisins. The berries are a popular medicinal herb. Among the highest in protein and anti-oxidants, they have more carotene than carrots, and contain all the essential amino acids and many minerals. Even the leaves are edible when cooked!
Grow this attractive Chinese native on a trellis to more than 10' tall or trim it it as a bush and keep at 4-6' tall. Makes a beautiful fountain-shaped bush when trained through a simple tomato cage. Light purple, bell-shaped flowers bloom in May and continue throughout the summer. The third year and thereafter, flowers are followed by orange-red berries. Phoenix Tears is self-fertile, drought resistant, and likes a half to full day of sun and well-drained soil. It prefers warm summer days and cool nights, and neutral or somewhat alkaline soil. Our plants are grown from cuttings. USDA Zones 5-9.