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Rainier Cherry

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Original price $64.99 - Original price $64.99
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$64.99 - $64.99
Current price $64.99

Prunus avium 'Rainier'

Rainier cherries are some of the most popular cherries in the United States! Prized for their outstanding sweet and zesty flavor, Rainier is a highly productive yellow sweet cherry with a red blush. The very delicate flesh is prone to bruising when transported, which is why the perfect Rainier fruits will come from your own tree!

The tree is vigorous, growing well in drier spring climates, but often cracks in wetter locations like Western Washington, where crack-resistant cultivars like White Gold do better. Resistant to bacterial canker.

Hardy to USDA Zone: 5

Mature Height: 8' (Mini-Dwarf), 12' (Dwarf)

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: July

Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer

Dwarf Rootstock: Gisela 5
Mini-Dwarf Rootstock: Gisela 3

Read our Cherry Growing Guide

Size: Dwarf (4'-5')


Ask a Question
  • Can I get two mini rainier cherry to cross pollination? Or I have to get different type of tree

    You will need to get 2 different culitvars of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) to cross pollinate. Check out our Cherry Growing Guide in the Help section of our website for a full explination.

  • what are the best pollinators for rainier cherry

    Any of our sweet cherries will pollinate Rainier well. But pie cherries will not.

  • What diseases are the Rainier Cherry's prone to in the Pacific Northwest, to cause the fruit to shrivel up and fall off before ever ripening? I have 2, ten yr old trees that have never produced good fruit. Pollinated by Bing Cherry. None of them purchased from Raintree, (maybe that's the problem)

    Neither Bing or Rainer are good selections for Western WA, though both do well in Eastern WA due to the drier climate. Brown rot is common in the PNW for cherries, and will cause the problem you're experiencing. Disease resistant varieties like Stella, Lapins, Sweet Heart, etc. will do better west of the mountains. 

  • will a black tartarian pollinate a rainier


  • How long does it take the dwarf and mini-dwarf to bear fruit?

    In the Gisela rootstocks they will bear quickly, within the first 2-3 years.

  • Would the mini dwarf tree produce less fruit each season than the dwarf tree?

    Yes, by the virture of there being less tree.

  • How far apart do I need to have my cherry trees for pollination

    Cherry trees should be on 12-16 foot centers at closest and as far as 100 feet from each other in line of sight for insect pollinators.

  • Will a Lapins cherry tree pollinate this Ranier? Do they flower at the same time?

    Yes they do.

  • Do you sell mature fruit trees.

    No. Trees that are older and larger are difficult to ship and often do not survive the transplanting process without specialized knowledge and equipment. In our experience, 3 year old grafted trees are at a sweet spot for age, size, and success rate.

  • Would the Tehranivee cherry I bought from you earlier (and which is doing great!) be a good cross pollinator for the Rainier? FWIW, I'm in zone 7 (Albuquerque)

    Yes, Rainer is one of the best pollination partners for Bing.

  • What are the chill hours for this variety?

    800+ hours

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

Beautiful healthy tree!!

Best value nursery out there!

This tree we received was absolutely stunning and so healthy. It has a great shape and we didn’t need to prune at all. The root system was extremely developed so we have to assume we received a more mature tree than promised! We also ordered a Bing Cherry Tree, which was less developed but also extremely healthy and we are happy with it. I will post updates on how it matures in zone 7b!

Cathy C.
Rainier Cherry Tree

Tree arrived as promised, in great shape, showing healthy, green buds. Two weeks later, it's still looking good!!


Health dormant plant.

Ed S.I.
Beautiful Tree

I received a beautiful, healthy “Rainier” cherry on dwarfing rootstock from Raintree Nursery. It was planted after a good soaking in a solution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and humus; has already leafed out, and is growing nicely. It was heavily mulched with well aged hardwood ships to feed soil microbes which, in turn, will feed the you g tree.

Very pleased with Raintree Nursery.