Red Azarole Hawthorn
Crataegus azarollus
This small, ornamental hawthorn can be grown for beauty and for its many clusters of small, red fruit that taste like a tart apple. Pollinators love the thousands of white flower clusters that adorn the tree in spring, and wildlife, especially birds, enjoy the copious yield of energy-rich berries that persist on the tree into mid-winter.
It grows quickly into a 15' tree or large shrub with beautiful, glossy, dark green foliage and few (though stout) thorns. Hardy and disease & pest resistant, it's a real trouper in the natural garden or hedgerow. Self-fertile.
Hardy to USDA Zone: 5-9
Mature Height: 15'
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: October
Pollination: Self-Fertile