Red Candy Lingonberry
Vaccinium vitis-ideae 'Red Candy'
The compact habit and shiny evergreen foliage of this new lingonberry make it a winner for growing in containers, or along garden bed borders. Beautiful in flower and fruit, it will extend your lingonberry picking season with its earlier ripening. The copious quantities of bright scarlet berries can be used for cooking- sauces, jams, and jellies, or substitute for cranberries in a favorite recipe. Or admire them well into the fall.
Performs best in an acidic, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Select one Red Pearl as a pollinizer for every 10 productive plants. Well-suited to full sun in the maritime parts of the US, or give it afternoon shade in slightly warmer inland regions. Not for areas regularly hotter than 85F.
USDA Zone: 4
Grow Height: 8” x 10”
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Summer and Fall
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer for best yields
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