Regal Lingonberry
Vaccinium vitis-idaea var minus 'Regal'
A groundcover fit for royalty! Ornamental prostrate plant that grows only 2"-4" inches tall with a two foot spread. It can produce both a summer and a late fall crop of sparse, medium-large berries if temps are 55F+ during blooming. Developed by the U. of Wisconsin from open pollinated seed from Finland. Provide Red Pearl as a pollinizer for best yield.
Scandinavians love these fantastic edible evergreen ground covers that produce delicious cranberry-like berries great for sauces, jellies and cooking. These beautiful and productive groundcover plants are under utilized and a must for American gardeners in the coldest regions. They are also great grown in a pot when the sunny side is protected. Lingonberries are very high in antioxidants. Hardy to USDA Zone 2!
Click Here to read our Lingonberry Growing Guide