Reliance Grape
Vitis labrusca x vinifera 'Reliance'
Prohibited to OR, ID and NY.
Ripening about a month earlier than Concord, Reliance is a very sweet, crunchy, pink/red grape. It is an American hybrid non-slipskin table grape with good winter hardiness, developed by the grape breeder Elmer Swenson in Wisconsin, USA in the 1960s. It is a cold-hardy hybrid grape that is a cross between the grape varieties 'Seyval Blanc' and 'Kay Gray'. When grown in warmer areas, it may contain small seeds.
Fruit is prone to crack in wet ripening weather, but vines are disease resistant in general. Spur prune. Chill hours: 800+. Cold hardy to USDA Zone 5.
A grapevine can be both a highly productive source of fruit and a focal point of considerable beauty. Think carefully about where to plant one to provide shade, cover a wall or accentuate an arch. We offer grapes most of which will ripen even in areas with cool summers. The ripening dates listed are for the cooler parts of Western Washington, but most ripen sooner and thrive where summers are warmer.
Click here to read our Grape Growing Guide