Scarlet Sentinel Columnar Apple
Malus domestica 'Scarlet Sentinel'
Scarlet Sentinel bears delicious red apples that ripen in the mid-late summer; enjoy a classic McIntosh-style crunch, even if you don't have a lot of space! Bloom is early-mid, category 2.
Columnar apple trees are trees that produce their fruit on spurs along the main stem. Columnar trees combine disease resistance, flavor, and ease of growing in small spaces, as each has a narrow, upright habit. Ideally suited to grow in a container, on a patio, or as a small tree in the ground, trees grow to about 10' tall and only 2'-3' wide.
Like other apples, you will need two different cultivars for pollination. Requires 800 to 1200 chill hours to bloom and set fruit reliably.
USDA Zone: 4-9
Mature Height: 10'
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Mid-Late Season
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer
Semi-Dwarf Rootstock: MM106
Read our Apple Growing Guide