Sirenevyi Pomegranate
Punica granatum 'Sirenevyi'
The tall, upright-growing plants of Sirenevyi, from Turkmenistan, are not as productive, and produce smaller pink-peach skinned fruits than Azadi, but they more than make up for that with the complex, sweet flavor of the very soft, dark red-to-purple seeds and juice. Prefers plenty of summer heat and a long ripening season.
Pomegranate can be grown as a small tree or in bush form. Their bright foliage and beautiful orange flowers make them a stunning landscape plant. Pomegranates ripen well in the South, Southwest, and in California. They grow well in the Pacific Northwest but don’t get the intense summer heat they need to ripen. Growing them as a multi-stemmed bush in a pot and bringing them inside to finish ripening in the fall can extend their productive range.
USDA Zone: 8-11
Grow Height: 10'
Ripening Time: Late Fall
Sun: Full Sun
Pollination: Self-Fertile