Sunflower Paw Paw
Asimina triloba 'Sunflower'
One of the rare partially self-fertile paw paw varieties! A well-known and exceptionally hardy northern selection from Kansas with large, flavorful fruit tasting of mango, apricot, pineapple, banana and vanilla. Ripens later than most varieties. A welcome reminder of the tropical taste of summer as the weather begins to cool. Grab your spoon!
Since this is a late-ripening variety, it is better suited to locations with a long, warm growing season. Hand pollination will increase fruit set; adding a small pile of decaying meat to the base of each tree just before blooms open will bring in the flies and beetles that pollinate these unusual trees. Protect young trees from direct sun during first 2 summers - even mature trees may benefit from afternoon shade in hot climates. Also protect young trees from slug and snail damage. Needs approx. 500 or more chill hours and 2200 Growing Degree Days (GDD).
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 5
Chill Hours Needed: Approximately 500 -700 hours
Mature Height: 10'-15'
Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade in Hot Climates
Ripening Time: Late/Fall
Pollination: Partially Self-Fertile; better yield with another variety
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