Sweetheart Blueberry
Vaccinium hybrid 'Sweetheart'
'Sweetheart' yields big, flavorful berries. Its Northern-Southern hybridization results in a hefty harvest of medium-to-large, frosty berries in late May-early June and, if autumn temperatures are mild, a second, lighter crop in the fall. Plant alongside Northern Highbush varieties like ‘Earliblue’ or ‘Duke’ for best results, or Northern/Southern hybrids like 'Jubilee'.
Needs 750-800 chill hours and thrives in direct sunlight, acidic soil, and ample irrigation and fertilizer. Expect up to 15# per plant yearly at maturity.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 5
Mature Height: 4'-6' (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Early/June and perhaps Late
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
Read our Blueberry Growing Guide