Tophat blueberry
Vaccinium angustifolium x V. corymbosum 'Top Hat'
Good things do come in small packages! Top Hat is crafty little cross between northern lowbush and highbush families, and it "tops out" at only 1.5 - 2 feet tall! Great for small spaces and under taller bushes. The smaller, light blue berries ripen mid-summer, and the vivid orange and red leaf color really puts on a show!
Needs approximately 800 chill hours to ripen fruit. Prefers regularly moist, highly acidic soils with a ph of 4.5, with lots of organic matter in them. Will ripen fruit in part shade, but fruit is not as sweet as full sun locations.
USDA Zone: 3-8
Mature Height: 1'-2' (Groundcover)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Midsummer/August
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
Read our Blueberry Growing Guide