Mazuma Wasabi
Wasabia japonica 'Mazuma'
Mazuma Wasabi is native to Japan and is grown for its unique, enlarged stem or rhizome. Wasabi prefers shade and cool temperatures, so is well suited to the Pacific Northwest. The highest grade of wasabi is grown in moving water, but it does just fine in soil and in containers. Wasabi grows best in summer shade on soils high in organic matter, well watered, and with good drainage. When planting wasabi, the crown should remain above the soil surface. Temperatures below 27° F. can kill the plant, so winter protection is advisable. Its ideal range is between 40 and 70 degrees. Slug control may be necessary.
USDA Zone: 8-10
Grow Height: 2' (Groundcover)
Sun: Full to Partial Shade
Ripening Time: N/A
Pollination: N/A