Smallanthus sonchifolius
Yacon is a perennial plant grown in the mid-elevation Andes for its crisp, sweet-tasting tuberous root; delicious eaten fresh. The texture and flavor is a cross between a fresh apple, watermelon and celery. Above ground, the plant looks like a sunflower.
In Northern areas, plant after the last frost and harvest after the first few frosts have caused the tops to die back. While usable-sized tubers develop fairly early, they taste much sweeter after some frost. Yacon has two types of tubers: the deeper growing edible storage tubers and the much smaller edible propagation tubers which grow just under the soil surface. Delicious eaten fresh, baked, steamed, or squeezed for juice. Very easy to grow and harvest when grown in large pots. Sold in a 4" pot.
USDA Zone: 5-9
Grow Height: 5'- 8'
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: N/A
Pollination: N/A
Read our Tuber Growing Guide