Mango Paw Paw
Asimina triloba 'Mango'
One of the fastest and easiest paw paws to grow! Originally obtained from collector Major C. Collins in Tifton, Georgia, in 1970. It was named Mango in honor of the vivid color of the pulp. Matures rapidly to bearing age - can start developing fruit 2-4 years after planting. Fruit is large and flesh is unusually colorful, with rich orange/yellow pulp that tastes of candied banana.
Fruit ripens early in the season, so a good variety for short-season growers. Grafted onto seedling paw paws; please take great care when planting your new trees, as young paw paws greatly resent root disturbance. Protect from direct sun during first 2 summers, as leaves are photosensitive; also watch for slugs and snails, which love the tender new leaves. Requires pollination from different variety to produce fruit; plant to hand pollinate for best results.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 5
Chill Hours Needed: Unverified; most paw paw require 100-400 hours
Mature Height: 10'-15'
Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade in Hot Climates
Ripening Time: Early/Fall
Pollination: Need Pollinizer
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