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Buy 1 Bareroot Tree, Get 2nd Bareroot Tree 30% off by using code 30%OFF at checkout.
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Sugar Twist Pluerry

Original price $59.99 - Original price $59.99
Original price
$59.99 - $59.99
Current price $59.99
SKU C361

Prunus x 'Sugar Twist'

The newest cherry x plum complex cross, Sugar Twist ripens a month earlier than Sweet Treat! Enjoy its unique combination of cherry and plum flavor. The fruit is the size of a small plum with red skin and yellow flesh. A Sweet Treat pluot or most early blooming Asian plums makes a good pollinizer.

USDA Zone: 6-9

Mature Height: 12' 

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: July

Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer

Rootstock: Citation

Read our Plum Growing Guide

Size Options: Semi-Dwarf (4'-5')


Ask a Question
  • Will 2 sugar twist pluerry be able to pollinate with each other or do they need a different variety?

    They need another pluerry, or a Santa Rosa Asian plum, for cross pollination

  • Is this shipped bare root? It just says 4-5 ft. I would like to order but it is a little warm for bare root.

    Yes it is. Any product that is not listed with a pot size is shipped bareroot.

  • Is this an actual tree or just a root stock?

    This is an actual tree.

  • Size say semi dwarf ‘4 - 5. Is that the size of the tree when it arrives, or the maximum height it will grow?

    No, that is the height it is when you plant it. Pluerry trees get 14-16 feet tall.

  • Are candy heart pluerry & sugar twist pluerry good to pollinate each other?

    Yes that will work fine.

  • Hi how do I know which best pollinizer to choose?

    Another pluot or asian plum will cross pollinate just fine.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
After a year, doing well

After a year both of the Pluerry trees I bought survived the Ohio winter and are doing well. No fruit but I didn’t expect any so soon.

Mark K.
Great tree, great service.

I have ordered from Raintree Nursery before. The Pluot, RedStar peach and Aprium I ordered and planted in 2021 are doing fantastic! Unfortunately, I lost a 5 year old Bartlett Pear to fireblight. It decimated the tree. I had to replace it so i thought of Raintree. I ordered the "Sugar Twist" Pleurry. It has been in the ground only a week and has sprouted like mad. It is hot so you do have add supplemental water and mulch but it is doing great. Should get some scaffold branches next year to choose from so i can top the tree. The tree arrived from the West coast of the U.S. in a few days to me here in GA in wonderful condition. Rootball was wet and their packaging is excellent. From pictures I saw on google it probably is going to look like my pluot. We name a lot of our trees and even before "she" arrived my wife and I decided to name her "Miss Pleurry". The picture also shows a fenced in rose, lilly garden plus a new lavender bed i planted late March. A huge plum tree sits to the right in the background. Everything is fenced. There are more whitetail deer in the eastern U.S. than people!

Matt B.
Leafed out within days

The tree arrived on schedule. I soaked the roots in water overnight and heavily pruned back the leading stem. Within less than a week the tree had leafed out. I am very impressed. Thank you!

large and delicious

Maybe my tree is just an anomaly, but I was shocked to find these fruits easily ripening to the size of a baseball, considering their partial cherry lineage. They're sweet with a very slight crunch and incredibly juicy. I've had one person say they have a slight apple taste to them, but I haven't noticed. The flavor is very much a combination of all the sweet and slightly creamy (not as prevalent as the Sweet Treat) attributes you can find in plums and cherries. No issues with disease in central CA so far.

Allan S.A.
Recent purchase

Both of the trees are just sticks, small grafted stems, not sure of their surviving. Just barely two feet tall, when the description stated they would be4-5 feet tall, would be full bearable the second year--just not going to happen. Just like last year will barely limb out, taking two years to bear fruit of any amount. Why not send me a refund equal to half of what was payed the last two years, since your descriptions and end product are half the size or less of what was expected and received in previous years of purchase, I have been taken these last two years