Northblue Blueberry
Vaccinium x 'Northblue'
Northblue, an adorably compact "half-high" hybrid of northern lowbush and highbush strains, is covered with classic, soft pink blossoms in spring - which turn into big, luscious dime-sized dark berries in midsummer. Hardworking and durable, this stout gem sails through winter cold and dark - and rewards us with flowers, fruit, and fiery fall colors!
Low maintenance and disease resistant, this hardy dwarf requires 800+ chill hours. Grows slightly taller than Top Hat and Northsky.
USDA Zone: 3-8
Mature Height: 3' (Small)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Midseason/August
Pollination: Partially Self Fertile
Read our Blueberry Growing Guide