Maurino Olive
Oleo europa 'Maurino'
Exceptionally graceful with its pendant, draping form, Maurino is also one of the most cold-tolerant varieties of olive cultivated. The small, abundant olives will give a sweet, delicate, aromatic oil - just provide another variety for pollination. Fantastic as a graceful specimen or dramatic focal point; also wonderful as part of a hedgerow with other heat-tolerant bushes and trees.
Many mild winter gardeners will grow the bush for its evocative, silver/green leaves that persist all year, without attempting to ripen the early fall berries that would be pressed into oil or cured for the table. Gardeners in colder zones can bring the pruned, potted tree indoors for the winter and enjoy the atmosphere of the Mediterranean all year round!
Hardy to USDA Zone: 8
Mature Height: Slowly To 25'
Sun: Full Sun/High Heat
Ripening Time: September
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer