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Buy 1 Bareroot Tree, Get 2nd Bareroot Tree 30% off by using code 30%OFF at checkout.
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Mirabelle de Nancy European Plum

Sold out
Original price $64.99 - Original price $64.99
Original price
$64.99 - $64.99
Current price $64.99
SKU C207

Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca 'Mirabelle de Nancy'

This variety is a hit in farmers markets throughout France; eaten fresh, crafted into preserves, or made into wine or brandy. It is as good today as it was in 1790! Mirabelle de Nancy is named for a city in the Alsace Lorraine region of Northeastern France. The freestone fruit is more oval in shape and slightly larger and firmer than other Mirabelles.

A more upright grower than some other Mirabelles, it is considered somewhat self fertile in some areas, but considerably increases its yield with a polllinizing partner. Not considered a good pollinizer for other European plums due to shy pollen production. Considered very low chill for a European plum - under 300 hours.

USDA Zone: 5-9

Grow Height:  12' (Dwarf)

Sun: Full Sun

Ripening Time: August

Pollination: Somewhat Self Fertile in Some Locations

Dwarf Rootstock: St. Julian A

Read our Plum Growing Guide

Size: Dwarf (4'-5')


Ask a Question
  • Will this be a good partner for a yellow egg plum tree?

    Mirabelle plums tend to be weak pollen producers are are best paired with a couple other trees that already pollinate each other fully.

  • Can this grow in a pot also the gage plum I have no more land space.

    It can grow in a large container for some time with proper pruning and extra care.

  • I’m in GA if I purchase this now July 26 2023 when would this Mirebelle de nancy plum tree ship off? It says in stock.

    This tree is in stock for pre-order, not for live shipping. It will ship bareroot in spring 2024.

  • would Hollywood plums be a good pollinator tree for Maribelle?

    No, you will need a European plum. Gage plums are the best.

  • Will this and a Mirabelle Geneva be sufficient to properly pollinate each other?

    No, Mirabelle plums need Gage plums for reliable cross pollination

  • Is this a bare root or potted? Will it ship in fall?

    Bareroot and we ship bareroot in the springtime.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Mirabelle de Nancy European Plum

It arrived finally. nearly took a year or more to receive 4 2 of each different Mirabelle trees 2 as a gift 2 for me one each variety each she put hers in a large pots I put mine in my orchard in fact the first of many trees I plan on planting.
they leafed out and looked great. Then something ate all the leaves and it still looked alive 2 days later new leaves a couple of weeks and there covered with new leaves. I was worried because my soil is sandy clay but I planted it 4" higher than the ground and mulched. They seem to be doing fine. I have a soak-er hose on a timer only during our extreme heat other wise if its raining no water is used to make the roots search and go deeper. So far I love these trees and they made it thru our recent hurricane just fine. My sister in laws trees is doing great also.

ordered in 2022 and it has it's first small fruit

Just bloomed and leafed out in zone 7B. We' ve had it for 2 years. Looks like we'll have fruit in a few months if all goes well!

I love my tree!

She arrived safe and healthy, didn’t even take her 2 weeks after being planted for her to start putting forth shoots! She has a very lovely size and she gets prettier every day! I absolutely love mirabelle plums so much. I was so exited to have this tree! I look forward to the years when she will bear fruit!

Richard G.
Mirabelle Plum

As promised, it arrived on time and in excellent condition. Nice to deal with a quality nursery.

Gwen T.
Great looking tree.

Very happy with how big it was and it's form. Very healthy on delivery. Packed Very well.